Factor List | Kim2005a (20004)


Title Description Host Host Type Outcomes
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Apramycin use was 32 micrograms/mL Swine Sows 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Streptomycin use was 64 micrograms/mL Swine Piglets 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Tetracycline use 16 micrograms/mL Swine Sows 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Tetracycline use 16 micrograms/mL Swine Piglets 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Streptomycin use was 64 micrograms/mL Swine Sows 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Ampicillin use was 32 micrograms/mL Swine Sows 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Ampicillin use was 32 micrograms/mL Swine Piglets 1
Treatment Treatment group was the use of Porcine-derived mucosal competitive exclusion vs. control. Apramycin use was 32 micrograms/mL Swine Piglets 1