Factor List | Benedict_2015_PLoONE (10363)


Title Description Host Host Type Outcomes
Antimicrobial Use See Table S1 for AMU info (dosage, etc.) Pen-level and individual AMU exposure prevalence over time is in Tables 3-4. Referent: first sample, taken at placement (pre-exposure). Exposed: second sample taken anywhere from 33-120+ days post-exposure Cattle Finishers 5
Beta lactam Use Population-averaged odds ratio describes the odds of recovering streptomycin-resistant isolates given administration of 3 ADD (animal defined daily dose) individual parenteral beta lactam, compared to unexposed cattle. Cattle Finishers 1
Tetracycline Use Population-averaged odds ratio describes the odds of recovering tetracycline-resistant isolates given administration of 3 ADD (animal defined daily dose) individual parenteral tetracycline, compared to unexposed cattle. Cattle Finishers 1
Tetracycline Use Population-averaged odds ratio describes the odds of recovering tetracycline-resistant isolates given administration of 7 ADD (animal defined daily dose) individual in-feed tetracycline, compared to unexposed cattle. Cattle Finishers 1
Tetracycline Use Population-averaged odds ratio describes the odds of recovering trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-resistant isolates given administration of 3 ADD (animal defined daily dose) individual parenteral tetracycline, compared to unexposed cattle. Cattle Finishers 1