Factor List | sterberg_2016_PLoONE (10320)


Title Description Host Host Type Outcomes
Production type Conventional vs Organic in Denmark Swine Grower-finisher 10
Production type Conventional vs Organic in France Swine Grower-finisher 9
Production type Conventional vs Organic in Italy Swine Grower-finisher 9
Production type Conventional vs Organic in Italy. Organic vaguely described in Intro as In organic food animal production in the EU, several chemical substances and preventive medications are prohibited due to a generally restrictive principle against external inputs [5 Swine Grower-finisher 1
Production type Conventional vs Organic in Sweden. Organic vaguely described in Intro as In organic food animal production in the EU, several chemical substances and preventive medications are prohibited due to a generally restrictive principle against external inputs [ Swine Grower-finisher 10