Title | Description | Host | Host Type | Outcomes |
Avilamycin Consumption | A decrease in consumption of avilamycin occurred in the second half of 1996 (see Tables 1 and 2 for more specific AMU info (from 1990-1998)). So, exposed group = first half 1996, referent group = second half 1998. | Chicken | Broilers | 1 |
Avilamycin Consumption | A decrease in consumption of avilamycin occurred in the second half of 1996 (see Tables 1 and 2 for more specific AMU info (from 1990-1998)). So, exposed group = second half 1996, referent group = second half 1998. | Chicken | Broilers | 1 |
Previous Avilamycin Use | Exposed group = 10 farms which did not use avilamycin in either 1996 or 1997. Referent group = 8 farms which did use avilamycin in 1997. Please see Tables 1 and 2 for more specific AMU consumption info (from 1990-1998). Sampling performed in 1998. | Chicken | Broilers | 1 |