Aarestrup, Frank Mller and Bager, Flemming and Andersen, Jens Strodl (Canada)
Microbial Drug Resistance (2000)
The E. faecium isolates included for the DANMAP national monitoring program of antimicrobial resistance were collected, identified, and tested for susceptibility to avilamycin as previously described (2,6). The use of growth promoters is recorded continuously by the Danish Plant Directorate by collection of data from manufacturers licensed to produce premixes containing growth-promoting agents. In Denmark, broiler farms are operated on an all-in/all-out principles (e.g., houses are emptied and disinfected before a new block is introduced), producing a number of rotations of broilers each year. The information about exposure to avilamycin was based on an official database, among other holding information about number of broilers and flocks produced and use of growth promoters for each individual flock. On the basis of this database, 10 farms that had not used avilamycin for growth promotion during 1996 or 1997 and eight farms that had used avilamycin during 1997 were selected (Table 1). The 18 farms were selected among 32 poultry farms that were visited during January to March 1998 in connection with another epidemiological study.
All isolates were from randomly selected fecal samples from healthy animals and only a single isolate per herd was included. All the farms were sampled by collection of 24 freshly voided droppings that were pooled 2 and 2 to produce 12 samples for analysis. On each farm, the flock to be sampled was chosen at random. For each fecal sample, 1 gram of feces was retained for further analyses.
AST Method: Multiple Methods
Reference explicitly reports AST breakpoints: True
Reference reports using a MIC table: True
Is Excluded: False
Country | Sub-Region | Sub-Region Detail |
Canada | Other (Other) | Nationwide |
ID | Note | Resolution |
Title | Host | Host | Production Stage | Description | ROs |
Avilamycin Consumption | Chicken | Broilers | Farm | A decrease in consumption of avilamycin occurred in the second half of 1996 (see Tables 1 and 2 for more specific AMU info (from 1990-1998)). So, exposed group = first half 1996, referent group = second half 1998. | 1 |
Avilamycin Consumption | Chicken | Broilers | Farm | A decrease in consumption of avilamycin occurred in the second half of 1996 (see Tables 1 and 2 for more specific AMU info (from 1990-1998)). So, exposed group = second half 1996, referent group = second half 1998. | 1 |
Previous Avilamycin Use | Chicken | Broilers | Farm | Exposed group = 10 farms which did not use avilamycin in either 1996 or 1997. Referent group = 8 farms which did use avilamycin in 1997. Please see Tables 1 and 2 for more specific AMU consumption info (from 1990-1998). Sampling performed in 1998. | 1 |