Wang, M.; Chen, S. Y.; Zhang, J. X.; He, X. X.; Xiong, W. G.; Sun, Y. X. (No Location)
Journal of Applied Microbiology (2018)
Thirty 5-day-old half male and female specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicken. The animals were fed with a sterileconventional balanced diet (Dahuanong, Xinxing, China)and sterile waterad libitumthroughout the study. 30 SPF chickens were ran-domly divided into five groups housed in plastic cages.These included groups receiving no antibiotics (C),amoxicillin (A), chlortetracycline (T) or florfenicol (F).One group received each of the three drugs in sequence(M). ). The antibiotics were administered in the water atlevels equivalent to those used for growth promotion:0.1gl-1for chlortetracycline, 0.06 g l-1for amoxicillinand 0.06 g l-1for florfenicol (FFC). The antibiotics wereadministered once a day and after 5 days, antibiotics wereremoved for 5 days and the process was repeated threemore times.
Faecal material and swabs were collectedaseptically from each chicken at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and45 days of age. This included sampling before administra-tion; during administration and after administration.
AST Method: None
Reference explicitly reports AST breakpoints: False
Reference reports using a MIC table: False
Is Excluded: True
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